WINTER 2011  

Alumni news and notes
Read about your classmates
- and share your news, too

Giving to Manchester

Nominate an outstanding MC grad today!


Seeking young

alumni for two new honors

Pioneering. Inspiring. Revolutionary. Manchester College is seeking nominations of just that kind of graduate for two new honors for alumni 40 and younger. Alumni who are demonstrating the College Mission, sharing values they learned at Manchester with their communities, paving the way toward a better future.

The Young Alumni Impact Award recognizes potential future leaders age 30 and under who are making a significant impact in their professions, communities, environments. Nominate someone today.

The Young Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award recognizes alumni ages 31 to 40 who demonstrate outstanding leadership in their professions, are contributing to the betterment of their community and its citizens, and whose commitment to the College remains strong. Nominate someone today.

Hurry, Jan. 1 is the deadline for these new honors for younger alumni. Recognition celebrations are planned for Feb. 9, 2012, at the 101 Days to Commencement party for graduating seniors and also during Alumni Days on May 30-31.


Seeking the 2012 Alumni

Teacher of the Year

It’s that time again – to nominate an extraordinary Manchester graduate who is doing extraordinary things in the classroom.

“Each year, Manchester College has the difficult challenge of choosing just one outstanding Teacher of the Year,” says Heather Schilling '90, chair of the Department of Education. The task is understandable: Manchester was the springboard for more than 5,500 educators – almost a third of the College’s graduates.

The 2012 Warren K. and Helen J. Garner Alumni Teacher of the Year is currently teaching (preschool -12) and

  • has made significant contributions to education
  • provides exceptional service to the profession
  • is deeply concerned for the individual students
  • is able to inspire learning

At 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 3, senior teacher candidates will join their professors and mentors in a celebration of education. They’ll applaud those who will gain licensing after graduation and hear from an expert: the 2012 Alumni Teacher of the Year!

To nominate a Manchester College graduate for the 2012 Warren K. and Helen J. Garner Alumni Teacher of the Year, click here. Or, contact the Department of Education at 260-982-5056. Deadline for nominations is March 9.

Manchester Magazine
Manchester magazine online
has even more!

Alumni & Friends - Connections for Life
Scores and scores of links!

Homecoming family weekend 2010
Video, photos
from Homecoming 2011


Copyright © 2010
Manchester College Office of Alumni Administration | 888-257-ALUM (2586) | alumnioffice@tt99949.com